Day 8 Not a Chemical

I have been doing some tests and it seems that the chemical is not a chemical, the results were actualy undefined.
Me: This is not a chemical nor explosive.
Puppy (my partner): Then what is it
Me: ...
So I needed to see it under a microscope, It was a potion effect that may cause fear!
So we went to see in my lab, my assistant was just playing since there was no work to do (if you want to see what he was playing click the link after this page).
Then my asisstant said to neutralize the affect is to give orange juice.
Asisstant: It should be oj (orange juice) or some acids for the affect to wear off, since to balance is to use acids.
So we gathered all the oj we could find. Then to make a machine for shooting the oj out.
So now is the end of this page but there will be more to be continued pages.
My assistant's game  is the link I told you about


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