Day 20 The heist

The news just said that there was an earthquake in town and everyone evacuated, everyone but me.
That's right I have not evacuated this ghost town and someone decided to sneek his way in a store.
Well this is a job for the Heist Stopper, me.
He bashed his way in the store and taking valuble treasures.
I snuck in the vents that conect to every where and started to get exauhsted, get it? Exauhst like an exauhst pipe? Eh? Eh? No one?
Well I took the footage of the bandit afooting.
And I said stop in the name of the law!
Bandit: Huh?
Me: That's right get those hands right up in the air!
And he just left.
Me: Darn it.
2 hours later
I'm not geting this car out of my sight!
Nothing's gonna make me distacted!
Except a BALL!!!!!!!


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