Day 8 Gift Wrapping

Hello internet welcome to a post that is made specially for Twinkle. Enjoy!

Hey guys welcome back to a new post that I made specially for Twinkle. Now say "hi" Twinkle.

Twinkle : Hello!

Good enough for me so let's get straight into my room for the gift wrapping. Now if your wondering where we got the gift wrappings you can just check out Day 7 on the Christmas series. SO! Let's see our contestants: We have Chubbles (Chubbles : I will win!), Twinkle (Twinkle : *wave*), Puppy (Puppy : *silence*), And Jira (Jira : Yeah!). So here's the rules... as I start the timer (6 min) you guys have to start wrapping. You all have the tools for wrapping, and once the timer stops you guys stop too. NOW! Ready? Set? GO!

*wrapping intensifies*

Chubbles : *Rapping*

Genius : Chubbles! You have to wrap the gifts not rap on a gift!

Chubbles : Ooooooh.

*wrapping intensifies*

Timer stops...NOW! Everyone, including you Chubbles, Stop NOW! Now I'll check the gifts.

10 min later

All ready to be sent for tomorrow and the day after that until CHRISTMAS!


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